Uplifting Knitting!

Uplifting Knitting!


Knitting and crocheting is the one daily therapy and relaxation tool you can take anywhere with you –
you get peace of mind…and a fabulous scarf!
Knit yarns of wellness into your life!
Today is World Health Day, with the theme of 'Depression: let's talk'...
...and what better way to highlight such an important topic than to look at the
wonderful therapeutic benefits and pure joy of knitting!

In world where so much of our work is intangible, sometimes isolating, and takes place on computers and digital; making things with our hands and fingers gives us a feeling of control and mastery. It’s a way of creating tangible order and beauty a real sensory touchpoint – and bringing back a sense of free and relaxed play into our busy adult lives. So much so, that knitting is fast being promoted as therapeutic practice by many experts.
The Relaxation Response: The rhythmic repetitive movements seem to put us in the present moment, quietening our minds that are so often full of busyness and distractions, and research shows that these repetitive movements have a powerful calming effect – both from our hands moving as well as the motion of moving our eyes from side to side.

Knitting connects us
Besides the many physical health benefits, such as being a pain and stress reliever, knitting also connects you to a social circle and community of fellow knitters, and this is especially important in those who feel isolated, depressed, and lonely.
“Knitters produce objects that people enjoy. And knitters will tell you that just stroking their yarn cheers them up,” says a knitting devotee.
So you see, knitting does wonders!

Isn't this chunky yarn merino wool blanket just the most wonderful place to relax?

Why not try it for yourself? You can, with this DIY Kit
There are just SO many reasons to love knitting! Enjoy!

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